Hey everyone,
It's been a busy year, and I appreciate the support many of you showed in letting me know how much you missed the campaign. I love the material, and the setting is near and dear to my heart, but tackling it myself was just too much, so I needed a break. Now, I'm a bit refreshed, but at this point, I am still swamped with other things, AND there's a new edition of Savage Worlds coming out.
I'm reading up on the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, and I'm liking the changes. They're not major, and in fact a good 70% of them are changes I made in my setting (which I sourced some of from the internet, and some just in general), while others make the system even faster, and more fun. Beyond that, Magic was a major thorn in my side from a balance perspective, and these updates make some major changes to magic for the better (Specifically, Bolt is no longer the most amazing spell ever). There's a lot to like, and it's still undergoing some revisions.
So, my plan is to wait for the final revision, and then go back and look at my material, and adjust it to work with the new changes. Some things will be easy (natural skills give everyone 5 base skills at a d4, it's a minor change that can be done per character, a few skills got redone or removed), some will be a bit more difficult (the made up edges will need to be adjusted, races will need to be re-balanced, Half-Elves will get a major reworking, Charisma is no longer a stat), and some things will need a major overhaul (The Magics and how they work). This is ultimately something that won't prevent me from bringing back the campaign, but I want to work in the most up to date system, and I have yet to not like any changes I've seen.
So, once that core book rewrite is done, I'll need to figure out how to let players redo their characters. For many, the changes shouldn't be major. But for some they may be. It may or may not be time consuming to rebuild or remake characters, so I need to sort that out.
Finally, I then need to revise any modules, and then work on new ones.
This is a lot of work, and it's not likely to be done till late 2019, if not later. And I have other projects I'm working on as well.
So, I'm not optimistic that this campaign will get rolling again right away, but I've not given up on it yet.
Hope you have a great holiday,