Friday, December 21, 2018


Hey everyone,

It's been a busy year, and I appreciate the support many of you showed in letting me know how much you missed the campaign. I love the material, and the setting is near and dear to my heart, but tackling it myself was just too much, so I needed a break. Now, I'm a bit refreshed, but at this point, I am still swamped with other things, AND there's a new edition of Savage Worlds coming out.

I'm reading up on the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, and I'm liking the changes.  They're not major, and in fact a good 70% of them are changes I made in my setting (which I sourced some of from the internet, and some just in general), while others make the system even faster, and more fun. Beyond that, Magic was a major thorn in my side from a balance perspective, and these updates make some major changes to magic for the better (Specifically, Bolt is no longer the most amazing spell ever). There's a lot to like, and it's still undergoing some revisions.

So, my plan is to wait for the final revision, and then go back and look at my material, and adjust it to work with the new changes. Some things will be easy (natural skills give everyone 5 base skills at a d4, it's a minor change that can be done per character, a few skills got redone or removed), some will be a bit more difficult (the made up edges will need to be adjusted, races will need to be re-balanced, Half-Elves will get a major reworking, Charisma is no longer a stat), and some things will need a major overhaul (The Magics and how they work).  This is ultimately something that won't prevent me from bringing back the campaign, but I want to work in the most up to date system, and I have yet to not like any changes I've seen.

So, once that core book rewrite is done, I'll need to figure out how to let players redo their characters.  For many, the changes shouldn't be major. But for some they may be.  It may or may not be time consuming to rebuild or remake characters, so I need to sort that out.

Finally, I then need to revise any modules, and then work on new ones.

This is a lot of work, and it's not likely to be done till late 2019, if not later.  And I have other projects I'm working on as well.

So, I'm not optimistic that this campaign will get rolling again right away, but I've not given up on it yet.

Hope you have a great holiday,

Monday, May 28, 2018

Going on Hiatus

Hey everyone,

I apologize for being silent.  I've been pulled into several other projects and been unable to dedicate the time and effort No Man Land deserves, and as a one man show, No Man's Land has slowed to a stand still.  I am the sole creative force behind NML so far, and that has been a large burden to bear.

So, what does the future hold?

I still have some writing to do to flesh out NML09 and NML10, as well as some revisions and additions to the campaign book.  I am still awaiting NML11-13 from another author, and hope to have them some up at future conventions, but I make no promises.  I even have some ideas and outlines for the next several modules.  However, I don't currently have the time or bandwidth to put in the work required to make those happen at the moment.  I have hopes that perhaps by the year's end, that may change, but for now, there will be very little new content or new events running.  I have been writing for a few other games (paid gigs and personal writing), and have a major trip that will hinder my ability to write in general, so my priorities have shifted.

That being said, if I receive an outcry for requests for new content, or an outpouring of support in the name of additional campaign help and writers, things may change faster.  I took on this creative undertaking in order to both exercise my creative muscles as well as provide a game for which players could undertake and enjoy.

What I can say, is thank you to those of you who supported me on this journey so far.  I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did if I hadn't been supported by so many players and fellow game masters. You inspired me to continue to on when I struggled at first, and the festival was an amazing experience that I know many players enjoyed.

Till next time,

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January Update

Hey everyone!

2017 went out with a bang, with a successful 18 player festival.  The Festival of the Sky got great reviews from players and GMs, and was fun to run.  Don't worry, the Festival is NML10, so in the future it's an available module to play so no one will miss out.

Next up, I need to add a few edges and continue to work on updating the book, as well as getting NML11-13 finished up so I can run them myself. I have a few module ideas after that, but I'm not sure what cons I'll be attending and running NML at yet. I'll get a better grasp of that as the year goes on.

Overall, I'm looking forward to a productive new year, and a lot of fun for myself and all my players.

Keep warm,

Sunday, December 3, 2017

December Update

Hey everyone,

I apologize for not having many updates in November.  It was a busy month.

I news, the next con coming up is Vernecon.  It's a private con, so I won't be advertising for it, but I know most of my players should be invited.  If you're not sure if you're invited or wish to be invited, please email me through the blog.

At Vernecon, the first Festival will premier.  The event at Vernecon should be pretty big, and will have fun ways to buy cool items, earn some bonus advancements, some extra cash, and take part in a fun lore building event.  I'm looking forward to it.

Can't make the festival?  The festival will be come module 10, and be playable at other events.  People who miss the large scale festival shouldn't miss much.

I've been devising some cool new modifications and items for the festival that should be available after the festival to all.  It should be nice to finally have something cool to spend money on.

As far as the core rules go, I've updated the unskilled rules to make them less restrictive, changed reload rules slightly for firearms, and added some extra features to the Gunslinger and Advanced Gunslinger edges.  If not mentioned, in previous updates I've added a few Veteran avatars, and been working on expanding the lore a bit more.

Hope everyone has a happy holidays, and I look forward to gaming with you all again.

 - Tim

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Character Adventure Tracking

Hey everyone,

It's been one heck of a month, so I haven't gotten a lot done, but I have few announcements for you.

First, I've just finished the Character Adventure reference sheet, which means you can look up your character and see what adventures you've played.  I've had several requests, so something like this, so hopefully this is useful and well received.  There is a link to it on the right hand column of the front page as well.

Second, I'll be at Fall/Winter Wolfcon the weekend of Thanksgiving (25th and 26th specifically).  I'll be premiering 09, and running an open slot.  I'll have prizes provided by PEG, so I hope to see you there.  I'll provide a link once the schedule is up.

Finally, I have a few minor rules revisions.  The biggest one will be a change to how I handle unskilled.  Unskilled players may now explode on their die roll, but may not make any raises.  So it pays to be skilled, but an unskilled character isn't barely able to do something either.

- Tim

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Great News on Gamer Conclave and the future.

PEG has offered me some prize support, so anyone playing in any of the No Man's Land events will get a cool prize from PEG (Publishers of Savage Worlds).  This is likely to continue for any public cons in the future.

Meanwhile, after Gamer Conclave, I'll be putting up a spreadsheet where players can look up their character and see what modules they've played.  I still have to go over the sheets, but it's in the works.  This should make it easy to see what adventures you've played.

Hope to see you this weekend,

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September Update and Future Plans

Hey everyone,

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'll be running 3 No Man's Land events at Gamer Conclave at the end of September.  I'll be running an open event Friday and Saturday evening, and Sunday afternoon I'll be running NML08.  I'll even have some prizes supplied from PEG (Savage Worlds Publisher), which is awesome.  Hope to see some of you there.  I'm not sure about any conventions in October or November yet.

I've made a few tweaks to the main book.  Some of it is additional lore or minor changes (such as a history of Halfling's name as a race, or how the government around Skyholm operates), but the biggest one is after playtesting the updated PEG Shaken rules change, I'll be using the updated rules effective immediately.

As characters begin to head towards Seasoned, I'll probably start adding a few more advanced things in the book for Seasoned and Veteran.  I want my edges, powers, and creatures to not only offer interesting options, but also help build the world and it's unique setting, so I hope to introduce a few interesting fighting styles, special training edges, and magic edges and powers.  I'm even open to submissions from the outside if there's something you're angling for.

Thanks to an ambitious player turned writer, I'll end the year with at least 13 modules.  I'm excited and looking forward to not only writing more modules and world info, but encouraging more players to get into writing and helping me build a fun world to explore and enjoy.  I'm glad players are having fun with the adventures and if I inspire someone to write something, then that's awesome.

- Tim