- I've implemented a crafting system for people to craft items. I still need to build the table of what will be allowed based on skill and rank, but know that unskilled crafters can still save money crafting some basic items, while a highly skilled craftsman will eventually be able to craft high quality equipment. Not a crafter? Well, if you befriend one, maybe they'll make you something. It should balance putting the skill points into the skill without making it a skill everyone needs to have. There may even be some crafting edges down the line.
- I've added a few items that were requested. Some, such as the Gnome Bow and Halfling Recurve Bow are also now detailed in the equipment section, while others were just added to the list. The idea is to give players some interesting options.
- Added descriptions to all the hindrances and edges so you can get an idea of what they do at a glance. I trimmed the lists a bit, limited one hindrance to Half-Elves, and added a Natural Linguist edge for those who wish to learn more languages easily. None of these changes should have effected any current character.
- Detailed how to buy off hindrances and what hindrances can be bought off. Nothing surprising here, but it turns something that could be a bit ambiguous into something pretty straight forward.
- Added a more comprehensive list of campaign rules. Some of them are simply affirmations of current rules, some address FAQs or addendum Savage Worlds Deluxe has made, and some are my campaign's spin on the rules. Let's face it, too many rules can hurt a game, but I want to make sure NML games are as consistently run as possible.
I hope everyone's excited about what's coming to No Man's Land, and I look forward to writing and bringing more of it to everyone.
- Tim